
PrestaShop模块 by RockThemes

以弹出式通知的形式让客户订阅你的时事通讯,以获得最大的可见度. 该模块旨在显示一条消息,要求用户加入您的邮件列表...
Sales: 4
Support: 4.2/5
对于前台员工或管理人员来说,通过电话或支持来处理预订是一件很痛苦的事情,对于选择预订的客户也是如此, right!! Well, worry no more. able Booking插件有...
Sales: 1
Support: 4.5/5


Creating a website nowadays isn't enough to make it successful. 你需要处理好每一个细节,并仔细考虑未来的步骤,以实现预期的可见性和利润. Sell high-quality goods, create unique platforms, 给你的客户最好的体验, 别忘了广告力量. 在线环境中的强大玩家在网站推广上投入了大量资金. Do the same, but save money using our ready-made advertising plugins. These extensions allow you to improve every website component, from event banners to SEO link building and affiliate marketing. Hurry through our collection and select the add-ons that will do their job best.


规则很简单,当涉及到 online marketing. 你可能会在没有广告的成千上万的产品和服务列表中被甩在后面. 如果你付出更多的努力,你有更大的机会得到潜在客户的注意,从而获得合作的好处. 以下是它的主要优点:

Attracting traffic

这是最有效的方法. 如果你把每件事都安排得当, traffic benefits both search engine promotion and business in general. 在应用扩展后,你会立即看到平台的转换.

Increased sales

使用这些工具在网站上做广告,也在社交网络上,通过时事通讯等. 它允许你在销售渠道的不同阶段与潜在客户沟通,并引导他们一步一步地做出购买你的商品的决定.


甚至内容插件也可以帮助你做到这一点. 它是建立市场地位的重要工具, promotion via search results and reviving old blog pages. 你的表达方式没有任何限制.


有WordPress插件,PrestaShop模块和Magento扩展在我们的集合中可用. And that's not all, 因为我们不断扩大品种,让您使用您最喜欢的CMS. 这些产品非常适合:

  • Starting businesses. 如果你刚刚进入这个市场, 创造需求和投放广告来激发人们对你的服务或产品的兴趣是至关重要的. You also generate activity on the online marketplace through our modules.
  • Scalable business. 它涉及到在世界各地开设更多的办事处和商店. And if you are popular in your region, there can be a problem in another place. 为了避免这些问题,可以考虑促销活动. 特殊扩展明确针对特定地区的受众投放广告.
  • Restarting business. It often happens that companies need to rebrand and rework their deals. A/B testing and digital advertising plugins help you at this stage.


With pre-made plugins, you get a flexible workflow and effective results. 它们具有以下特点:

  • 兼容不同的页面构建器,
  • 移动响应式布局,
  • SEO-friendly features,
  • 灵活的管理面板与必要的工具,
  • compatibility with 不同版本的cms,
  • 没有编码错误的工作;
  • operation without the requirement of connecting additional tools.


观看本视频,了解更多关于网站开发所需的扩展. 您将获得最佳附加组件的深入概述以及如何使用它们的示例. 看看它,并受益于强大的产品!



依靠网站分析. 它有助于确定您需要哪些扩展. 然后浏览我们的收藏. 在左侧栏上选择以澄清标准,包括功能、标签、价格等. Then look at reviews, ratings, and features of the provided options. 它将帮助您选择完美的附加组件.


将所选产品添加到购物车中. At this stage, the marketplace offers additional items for development. 如果有必要,把它们添加到购买中. 转到包含结帐步骤的页面. Enter your info (phone number, email, payment method) and confirm the action. The product link will appear in your email within minutes after payment.


充分利用mon睾酮服务. Subscription provides you with the best premium products almost free of charge. 支付少量的月费或年费,下载无限数量的网络解决方案, 包括大量的扩展.

Do I get technical support when buying advertising plugins?

After purchasing, you get 6 months of support for a small fee.